The Swanson Family

Derek | Rebecca | Owen | Oliver

Director of Technology Innovation and Design Thinking
Mathematics Educator
Grade 10
Grade 7

Our family values learning, building relationships, and having new experiences. We love camping, traveling to new destinations, and spending time exploring our host country. 

Owen is a tenth grade student who enjoys playing sports, reading, and learning to code. He is independent, curious, and responsible. He has served on student council, helped as a new student ambassador, and contributed to Compassion Club. Owen enjoys historical fiction and dystopian novels.

Oliver is a seventh grade student who loves all things hockey, eating mac'n'cheese, and playing games. He is inquisitive, energetic, and compassionate. He is an advocate for students with different learning needs and loves playing his saxophone. His favorite books right now are the "Percy Jackson" series.

Our History

Derek and Rebecca both grew up in Colorado, USA. They met, married, and started their teaching careers there. Both Owen and Oliver were born in Colorado, and the family still considers the state their home base. 

After several years in public education, Derek and Rebecca decided they were ready for a change. They accepted jobs in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. They planned to stay abroad for only two years, but fell in love with international education and the opportunities it provided them as educators and their children as students.

After Vietnam, the family moved to Abu Dhabi, UAE where they found a true home away from home. The Swanson Family spent six wonderful years in Abu Dhabi before moving to Amman, Jordan where they are currently located with their two adopted cats and their rescue dog.

Family Photos

Derek, Rebecca, Owen, and Oliver love exploring new places. Here are a few photos from some of their recent adventures.